You could read Pinterest quotes or blast your “I’m a Firework” playlist for some Monday empowerment. Or you could do these things:
1. Buy some quality swim trunks
The photo says it all.
2. Walk around with a banana in your pocket
Don’t think too much about it. Just take one stroll around your office and see how you feel.
3. Have a mysterious fun fact holstered for all ice breaker situations
Example: Hi I’m Jake, and I get super tan in the summertime.
4. Walk through the free weight area wearing Lulu
The stares are a loving, warm hug when you’re feeling down.
5. Have fun on social media
Creative birthday messages are a must. There’s also trolling the “I’m so blessed” crowd, poking, and custom emoticons at your disposal.
6. Meet Fashion Designers
Hey, Minks hey!!!!